Image: Homes Tasmania – Revised plans for Penguin recreation ground redevelopment
Homes Tasmania has revised its plan for a housing development on the former site of the Penguin Recreation Ground and opened it up to further public consultation.
The move followed community feedback last year with many saying the plan was poorly devised and there were too many houses for the site.
Homes Tasmania CEO Eleri Morgan-Thomas says the majority of people supported housing for the area, but at a reduced density.
Ms Morgan-Thomas says Housing Tasmania is committed to listening to community feedback and balancing it with the pressing need to increase the housing for Tasmanians.
The new plan has reduced the density from 55 to 45 lots and increased public green space.
Community consultation on the updated plan is now open until March 31st.
Community sessions will be held in Penguin on March 11 and 12, but appointments will be required to be booked on the Homes Tasmania website at