A total of 21 international cruise ships will visit Burnie during the 2025-2026 cruising season.
The number represents a jump on this season’s number of 16, but still well short of the previous season of 33.
Two more ships will tie up in Burnie to wrap-up the current season, with the Artania, 1188 passengers and 537 crew on March 27th, followed by the smaller Insignia on May 16th, with 824 passengers and 400 crew.
The first ship of the new season, the Riviera, carrying 1250 passengers and 800 crew, is scheduled for December 8th, followed by the Nowegian Spirit, now a regular Burnie visitor, on December 19th.
The Norwegian Spirit will call into Burnie nine times next season, including the final ship visit of the season on April 20th next year, each time bringing in 2018 passengers and 912 crew.